AICTE Approval ARIIA Report NAAC NIRF Report Beyond Boundaries Grievance Redressal

Outstanding Facilities

A very good learning atmosphere facilitated by high quality teaching from well qualified and experienced faculty members
State-of-the-art Computer Centres with 450 Computers, IBM Servers and IT tools
Most modern Language Laboratory to enhance communication skills
Spacious and well stacked Library with nearly 26358 Textbooks, 64 National journals, 1876 e-journals and NPTEL videos, e-Resources like IEEE, ASME Journals
Spacious Classrooms with specially designed furniture for comfortable sitting and Interactive Projectors for enhanced learning
Seminar Halls with modern presentation facilities and good interiors
Modern Cafeteria with hygienic food and soft drinks
Toilets with most modern facilities
Separate Hostels for Boys and Girls with fully furnished facilities for comfortable stay and indoor games, etc
Transport facilities with 25 Buses connecting all nearby places and towns
Invited talks and special lectures by Professors from IITs and experts from prominent Universities and industries
Quality Improvement Cell for continuous improvement in Teaching-Learning process
Various clubs including ECO Club, Literary Club, Quiz Club, Fine Arts Club, Mobile App Club, National Service Scheme, Sports Club, CII Young Indians (Yi), which are helpful for promoting their active participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
Professional society chapters such as ISTE, IEEE, ACM, CSI, IETE, ICTACT, AIMA, MMA, ENFUSE, SAE(India), and ICI are established for professional interaction and life-long learning
Individual attention and counselling facilities for slow-learners