AICTE Approval ARIIA Report NAAC NIRF Report Beyond Boundaries Grievance Redressal

Dr. K. Kavitha

Head of the Department

Department of Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology) is dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence in the field of Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Design and Semiconductor Technologies. With a strong emphasis on cutting-edge research and a curriculum tailored to meet the evolving demands of the industry.
We offer a comprehensive range of courses and specialized training programs designed to develop expertise in VLSI design, semiconductor engineering and advanced fabrication techniques. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped with the latest tools and technologies, providing students with hands-on experience in design, simulation, and testing. The department also emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, encouraging collaboration across various fields of engineering and technology to solve complex real-world problems.
Our experienced faculty members are renowned for their research contributions and industry experience, bringing valuable insights into the classroom. We maintain strong partnerships with leading semiconductor companies and research institutions, offering students opportunities for internships, collaborative projects and exposure to the latest industry trends.
The department is committed to promoting research in emerging areas of technology convergence, such as IoT, AI, Nanotechnology and Quantum Computing ensuring our graduates are well-prepared to drive advancements in VLSI technology and semiconductor innovations. Additionally, we actively support student-led initiatives and entrepreneurial ventures, providing guidance and resources to help transform innovative ideas into successful enterprises.
In alignment with India's ambitious Semiconductor Mission, our department is actively engaged in initiatives that contribute to the nation's goal of becoming a global hub for semiconductor design and manufacturing. Government of India’s initiatives towards self-reliance in semiconductor technology is supported through our curriculum, which integrates the latest advancements in the field, such as the development of indigenous chip designs, advanced packaging solutions and the exploration of new materials & fabrication techniques.
Through a combination of rigorous academics, practical training and industry engagement, the Department of Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design & Technology) aims to develop the next generation of engineers and leaders who will shape the future of technology with integrity and vision.